The hiking professional has recommended Coleman weathermaster tents if you want to camp. This brand camping equipment has been proven to meet all people camping needs. American C. Coleman is the man who introduced this tent. Coleman tent is widely available in many types and models. One of the famous models is Coleman weathermaster tent.
Coleman weathermaster elite tent can accommodate up to seven people so it is very similar to sun dome. You will find many dividers that allow you to have a private room when you are in Coleman tent. This feature will be very useful for those of you who really keep privacy. If you need a bigger room, Coleman tent provides another model that will meet your needs.
Nylon and polyester are common materials found in groundsheets and flysheets. This material has many advantages such as not easily damaged and will survive in the long term. In addition, anti-water features will protect you from rain and bad weather.
You should buy a quality tent like Coleman tents if you want maximum protection and comfort of a camping tent. Although made of strong materials, you still must take care to maintain durability. You can take care of by cleaning the tent and store it properly so that you can use it when you need it.

Coleman WeatherMaster 8 Tents
Weathermaster 8 tent has dimensions of 14x8x6 foot to provide comfort to anyone who entered it. You can use this tent for eight people, but with personal equipment, this tent may be just enough to accommodate six people. With these estimates, you will get complete relief room with your equipment in it.
The time needed to assemble this tent is fifteen minutes. You can string up quickly if you have practiced before. Although relatively quickly, you may be able to find a tent that can be assembled faster with the same size.
Separator in making your tent has three rooms. You can place the area of children and supporting equipment separately. This feature will make all residents feel comfortable with a large room.
You can get weathermaster 8 tents in camping stores for about $ 200. Prices in stores may differ, so you probably will get a better price or more expensive.

Coleman Elite Weathermaster 6 Tents
Coleman Tent elite designed to meet your comfort and safety in the worst weather. This tent uses Weather Tec System that allows you to keep dry while in the tent. In this model, Coleman has been providing hinge door to facilitate users in and out easier. In addition, you will get integrated lights that can be used for 22 hours. This Coleman weathermaster tent will meet your needs when camping or hiking.